Services And Packages

Book your FREE consultation to get more information and to sign-up.

All services are available in the gym or mobile (home or park)

Six Session Starter Pack $480

Over the course of six 1-hour sessions, learn the exercises that will make the most impact and help you achieve your goals. Learn proper form and technique to help prevent injury and help set you up for sucess.

All Inclusive Personal Training Packages

While encompassing everything in the starter pack, learn how to build a a routine that will move you for months to come. You will also receive workout plans and a comprehensive nutition profile tailored to you and your goals.

12 x 1hr Sessions $900

($75 per session)

18 x 1hr Sessions $1305

($72.50 per session)

24 x 1hr Sessions $1680

($70 per session)

Small Group Training

Group training is a great way to get the results you are looking for while having the enjoyment of working out with friends. With group training, you also gain the encouragement and accountability of those around you.
Group training is available for groups of maximum 8 people.

Prices vary, please contact or book consultation for more information.

Exercise For Lower Back Pain Management

Exercise is a proven method to significantly reduce and potentially eliminate lower back pain. By increasing the blood flow to the muscles and joints of the area you will help to reduce inflammation, rebuild strength and improve mobility.

($55 per session)

12 x 30min. Sessions $660

18 x 30min Sessions $945

($52.50 per session)

24 x 30min Sessions $1200

($50 per session)

Meal Planning and Nutrition Management

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, build muscle or have an upcoming sporting event, nutrition and meal planning will play a vital role in your success. When it comes to making physical changes, nutrition can be up to 80% of equation.

Meal Plan $79.00

Pay a one time fee of $79.00 per meal plan

Meal Plan Subscription $65.00/mo

Pay $65.00 per month for ongoing nutritional support and meal planning